Highlights from the Class of 2019 Graduation
Graduation Mass and Ceremony Photos, courtesy of parishioner Jerry Wojcik of Jerome Photography.
Awards and Recognitions
Saint Elizabeth Parish Award: Thuy-Tien Tran
Knights of Columbus Award: Thuy-Tien Tran
Father Mullin Stewardship Award: Adam Shirker
Saint Elizabeth Peacemaker Award: Ashley Ebert, Qinny Irwin, Grace Lane, Mikhela Poobalan
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Award: Terrence Dougherty
Saint Elizabeth Effort Award: Alexis Allen
Altar Server Service Acknowledgement: Anthony Dominiecki, Terrence Dougherty, Kirstin George, Elizabeth Grant, Marissa Iafolla, Brianna Johnson, Jamie Kalucki, Kathleen Kent, Ella Nugent, Caroline O’Neill, Mikhela Poobalan, Adam Shirker, Gabriel Snyder, Thuy-Tien Tran
Saint Elizabeth Student Council Acknowledgement: Elizabeth Grant, President; Alexa Bojko, Vice President; Terrence Dougherty, Secretary; Grace Lane, Director of Liturgies/Stewardship. Class Representatives: Anthony Dominiecki and Alexander Daoud
National Junior Honor Society Acknowledgement: Ashley Ebert, President; My-Linh Dinh, Vice President; Kathleen Kent, Secretary; Jacob O’Donnell, Treasurer.
NJHS Student members: Alexis Allen, Elizabeth Bernotas, Alexa Bojko, Gianna Callahan, Connor Chounlamountry, Alexander Daoud, Anthony Dominiecki, Terrence Dougherty, Michael Dougherty, Kirstin George, Elizabeth Grant, Nolan Hughes, Marissa Iafolla, Qinny Irwin, Kathleen Kent, Grace Lane, Harry Lawlor, Emilia Marinari, Luke Melcher, Ella Nugent, Caroline O’Neill, Stella Righetti, Adam Shirker, Gabriel Snyder, Justin Thais, Thuy-Tien Tran
Math Counts: Alexander Daoud, Anthony Dominiecki
Neumann Scholarship: Michael Dougherty
Academic Scholarship for Bishop Shanahan High School: Nolan Hughes, Luke Melcher
Devon Prep Scholarships: Alexander Daoud, Nolan Hughes, Luke Melcher
Golden Panther Scholarship for Pope John Paul II High School: Qinny Irwin
IHM Charism Scholarship for Villa Maria Academy: Kirstin George
Academic Scholarship for Villa Maria Academy: Ella Nugent
Scholarship to Bishop Shanahan High School (Donated by Mr. Gerald Parsons): Isabella Bauer
President's Award for Educational Excellence: Alexa Bojko, Alexander Daoud, Anthony Dominiecki, Michael Dougherty, Terrence Dougherty, Elizabeth Grant, Nolan Hughes, Marissa Iafolla, Qinny Irwin, Kathleen Kent, Grace Lane, Emilia Marinari, Luke Melcher, Ella Nugent, Caroline O’Neill, Stella Righetti, Thuy-Tien Tran
The Class of 2019. Photo courtesy of Parishioner Jerry Wojcik of Jerome Photography.
June 11, 2019: (From R): Students Stella R., Mikhela P. and Ryan G., along with art teacher Mrs. Liz Griffin, presented the Class of 2019 art gift to the school. This painting on plywood is of Saint Raphael, Archangel, and patron saint of the sick. It will be hung in the Nurse’s office over the summer. Thank you to the Class of 2019 for this beautiful gift! (Photo: Mrs. Sara Richardson, Communications Coordinator)
Highlights from the Class of 2019 Graduation Party. Photos courtesy of parishioner Jerry Wojcik, Jerome Photography.
Photo Booth Images from the Class of 2019 Graduation Party, June 13, 2019. Photos courtesy of Tim Cochrane.