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Now accepting applications for 2024-2025!




in your child’s future


Est. 2006

Inspired by the example of Saint Elizabeth, our students will come to recognize Jesus as a living presence in them and in others, and will answer their baptismal call to serve others in Jesus' name. We provide a warm spirit of hospitality and a safe learning environment for all our students. We offer a broad-based curriculum in which our staff strives to meet the needs of every student. We are committed to fostering in our students a lifelong love for learning and the development of the skills needed to become well-informed, accomplished, and dedicated leaders who live each day following the teachings of Jesus. We believe that Jesus calls us to be the stewards of the gifts that God has entrusted to us in our thoughts, actions, and words. Our Parish Stewardship Prayer which is recited daily provides the foundation for this belief.



thousand dollars awarded to students in k-8 in the ‘23-’24 school year

Several programs including BLOCS, Tuition Reduction Grant, The Catholic Foundation and St. Elizabeth Parish Aid provide financial aid opportunities, making a Catholic Education more affordable for all. Every person, as a child of God, has equal dignity and an inalienable right to a quality education. We understand a St. Elizabeth Education is a sacrifice and an investment and we are committed to assisting qualified, committed families. We invite you to communicate with us regarding your circumstances and walk through the tuition assistance process with us. Learn More



Neumann Scholars

Since the first graduating class in 2009, St. Elizabeth Parish School has had 14 students named Neumann Scholars. Sponsored by the Connelly Foundation, the Neumann Scholars Program is a four-year scholarships given to students who excel in the test for tuition at any of the 15 Archdiocesan high schools. To qualify for the test, one must have a final average of 92.0 in the seventh grade, and a National Percentile Total Score of 90, or a Cognitive Skills Index (CSI) of 120 on the seventh grade Terra Nova exam.



student to teacher ratio, on average

Our teachers are degreed and certified. We have an average class size of 16 students. Saint Elizabeth Parish School is Middle States Accredited and has met the 12 Standards of the Middle States Association. Non-Public School Services (NPSS) from CCIU provides reading, math, speech and language, and counseling services.


Our Mission

Saint Elizabeth Parish School, rooted in Catholic identity, strives to extend God’s kingdom one person at a time. The community’s collaboration fosters a safe and nurturing environment where students grow spiritually, ethically, academically, and socially. Saint Elizabeth Parish School empowers students to discover the stewardship gifts bestowed upon them to reach their unique potential.

Learn More


Our Philosophy

We encourage respect for the value and dignity of all persons and seek to create an atmosphere of peace and justice within the school. Realizing that children learn best when they are actively engaged, our faculty strives to provide learning experiences that are rich in meaning and applicable to daily living. Technology is integrated into classroom learning to prepare our students for the practical demands of life in the 21st century. Our students will develop the skills to be critical thinkers, problem solvers and Christ-centered decision makers as they grow and mature into productive citizens.


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"We thank the Saint Elizabeth teachers, for the time and energy they have devoted to our oldest daughter's education throughout her nine years at Saint Elizabeth. Maggie entered Kindergarten as a little girl not sure of herself, or what to expect from the classrooms. Nine years later, she is leaving as a respectful and confident young lady with an excellent foundation of Catholic education. She is ready to take on the challenges of High School!

The teachers have also been generous with their time and patience with our younger daughters. Their commitment to Catholic Education and the growth of Maggie, Lizzie, Caitlin and Bridget's Catholic faith is greatly appreciated. We are blessed to be a part of Saint Elizabeth Parish School!"

The Grant Family / Read More Testimony




We provide a warm spirit of hospitality and a safe learning environment for all of our students. We offer a broad-based curriculum in which our staff strives to meet the needs of every student. We are committed to fostering in our students a lifelong love of learning and the development of the skills needed to become well-informed, accomplished, and dedicated leaders who live each day following the teachings of Jesus.


English Language Arts

The CCSS for ELA are cross-disciplinary for Grades K-5; for Grades 6-12 the ELA includes literacy in social studies, science, and technical studies. The four components of the ELA standards are: reading, writing, language, and speaking & listening. There are 10 areas in reading and writing and 6 areas each in language and listening & speaking. Media requirements are blended throughout the CCSS.

The foundational skills in reading are critical and continue to grow through fluency. Reading includes fiction, non-fiction, and technical reading. Writing is done routinely and often across the curriculum to include arguments, explanatory/informative texts, and narratives. The language components include the conventions of the English language and vocabulary focusing on determining the meanings and nuances of words. Speaking and listening includes day-to-day purposeful academic speaking and listening and formal presentations including the use of technology.


There are two components in the mathematical standards: standards for mathematical practice and standards for mathematical content.
Standards for mathematical practice include: 1) making sense of problems and persevere in solving them; 2) reasoning abstractly and quantitatively; 3) constructing viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others; 4) modelling with mathematics; 5) use of appropriate tools strategically; 6) attending to precision; 7) looking for and making use of structure; and 8) looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning.
The standards for mathematical content are a balanced combination of procedure and understanding. They are presented at each level for Grades K-8. These particular standards will be familiar and include: counting and cardinality; operations and algebraic thinking; ratios and proportional relationships; number system; number and operations in base ten and fractions; measurement and data; statistics and probability; expressions and equations; functions; and geometry.